Monday, September 1, 2008


Lincoln Haycock made some great comments to my post "Meekness...". If you have some time you should read them. I'm hoping that he'll begin his own blog. As I read his thoughts and re-read my post I began to think about Moroni 8:26 a little more.

Meekness is certainly a key to charity, but they key to becoming meek, at least from what I've begun to understand is being repentant or maybe preface to repentant the desire to be better--to change. I've found that when I am striving to become better my prayers and thoughts are focused in such a way, as my prayers become focused a certain wave of meekness envelops my life. Anyways, for me, this points to the importance of prayer... prayer helps open the windows of heaven.

1 comment:

Annie. said...

Isn't it amazing how all truth in the gospel comes full circle to one great whole? It's hard, when you are working really hard in one area of your life, to ignore other areas. You naturally become better in all other areas as well. I suppose that's a large part of what it means to become a "new creature" in Christ. The conversion process is a healing, beautiful, incredible experience thanks to the Atonement.