Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Costume 5k

Last Friday I accomplished one of my life goals--to direct a race. But I never expected the race to be a costume 5k. About a month ago my good buddy Ryan Coates suggested that I help him with his semi-annual soccer tournament, I was a little reluctant considering my busy schedule. A couple of days later he came to me and asked if I would direct a 5k race, to which I immediately exclaimed that I would. I learned really quickly the hardest part about putting on such a race is the marketing. To market my costume 5k I created a group on Facebook, emailed my friends, had a friend write an article about the race - http://universe.byu.edu/node/2578, and even dressed up in a santa costume and ran around BYU campus handing out fliers. The result: 85 costumed runners and one of my goals accomplished. It's worth noting that the person who won the costume contest dressed up like a hobo and pushed a shopping cart full of some of his belongings the whole way! Seeing a costumed hobo push a shopping cart for 3+ miles made all the hard work of putting this race on worth it!

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Congrats, buddy!

I think I should have won the coolest costume award, though, having participated in the race long-distance, in spirit.