Saturday, September 6, 2008

Is This Love or Infatuation?

I have been in Washington DC now for almost three weeks, and working in Washington DC for a week and I think I'm in love... at least I think this is what love feels like; but I think the greatest test of love or infatuation comes with time--so maybe I'll stamp this email as RESOLVED in a couple of months.

One example: Because Washington DC is a large city, there are a lot of opportunities to meet new people. The other day while busing to the metro station I began talking to a gentleman and I learned of his Arabic background. To save you the details of our conversation, in short we talked about everything from our religious beliefs to what we wanted to accomplish in our lives... awesome conversation. Luckily we work near each other so I'll have the opportunity to keep in contact with him. There are so many amazing people out here, and I look forward to meeting and becoming friends with as many as possible!


Talai said...

Now you know why we may never move back home (hopefully Mom doesn't read this). I am so torn because it really is a wonderful place to be.

Jami Jackson said...

Only time will tell I guess. I really miss being outside of Utah because of the diversity of people you meet. It's great here too, but it's just not the same (sigh). Enjoy it out there and give the east coast a kiss for me!

janica said...

caleb. i miss you. and yes i do stalk your blog often. I hope things are AWESOME out there!

Kate said...

It's love, no need to question it.

Shawn said...

Caleb, have you met Camille Betts out there? Hope things are going well brother!
