Wednesday, July 22, 2009

8 Pleasant Surprises Up to This Point in the Summer

1. College algebra is easy
2. Finding random people to run with
3. A college algebra problem taking me 2 hours
4. Working at Qualtrics
5. Being tired, every night, when my head hits the pillow
6. So excited to wake-up every morning, that sometimes I'll wake-up a couple of hours before my alarm clock
7. The challenge that comes with teaching institute
8. Being stretched beyond my ability, but through "The Enabling Power" being able to learn and grow.


Jon-Paul said...

Why is finding an algebra problem taking 2 hours pleasant?

Talai said...

Yep, wondering the same thing. Algerbra, pleaseant surpise? Never.

Daniel said...

I have to admit, I probably would have thrown in the towel after two minutes . . .

Anne said...

I didn't know you were teaching institute! That's so exciting!

Mother said...

I'm catching up on all of your blogs. I seem to have more time lately. They are great. Miss you.